Sunday, April 7, 2013

Called to Preach

There's a passage in the Bible where it describes the Final Judgment or Judgment.  It talks about the sheep and the goats.  And this preacher, one Sunday was preaching on that particular scripture, and to illustrate his sermon he asked everyone in the church that was "satisfied with their experience with God, if they knew they'd been born again, that everything was alright between them and the Lord," for them to go to the right side of the church.  And if you were unsure or if you'd never made a confession of faith then you go to the left.

So the congregations separated and most of them tried to get on the right hand side, But this one old guy he'd stand there in the center aisle and he start to go one way and he'd hesitate and he'd go the other way.  And everybody'd separated but him and he was still up there you know. Goin' one way like he couldn't make up his mind.  And the preacher said,
           "Brother, you seem to have a problem making up your mind," 'Said, "I's there any way I can help ye?
           Said, "Well, Brother, I think I'm a pretty good moral man," said "I come to church regular, I try to treat my neighbors right." said,"I tithe regular, come to church ever time the church doors are open."
           He said, "I've got two besettin' sins:" said "every time I get word there's fried chicken," said "I'll make a glutton out of myself, and," Said, "I can't help but look at a good looking woman."
           The preacher slapped his hands and said: " You come up here and sit by me brother, you've been called to preach!"

--Ray Dellinger