Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Salesman and the Baby

The following joke is only a little crude.  If you think it's impolite, then you should she what Vance Randolf collected out in the Ozarks.  Unlike most of the folklore collectors in here in the Appalachians, Randolf didn't "clean-up" or disregard material that was bawdy, erotic, or otherwise "un-publishable."  Out of a huge collection, his un-clean tales, jokes, songs, and dance calls, account for something like 25% of the total.  I'm certain that the same ratio would have been reflected here too.  That doesn't mean that everyone liked or shared this type of humor, but some people certainly did, and some still do.

A traveling salesman was going through the country, and he stopped at a house, knocked on the door and asked if he could board with them for the night.  The old man that owned the place said "Well, you're welcome to stay stranger, but we don't have a lot of room.  You can sleep out in the hay loft or you can sleep with the Baby."
"Well,"said the salesman, "I reckon I'll just sleep out in the barn then"

So he went out and made himself a bed int the straw out in the barn up in the loft.  In the morning he woke up and heard someone singing.  He looked down and saw one of the prettiest women he had ever seen come walking in the Barn with a  milk pail.  So, he says, "Who're you?"
And she says; "I'm Baby, who're you?"
He says:"I'm a damn fool."

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